
2025 Rates - Annual Marina

Annual Marina Berth Monthly Fee  Annual Fee
8m £505 £5760
10m £630 £7180
12m £760 £8640
16m £820 £9340

Water free of charge.  Electricity can be purchased via pre paid cards.
Use of shoreside & waste facilities
Use of pump out facility
Discounted fuel (max 1,000 litres)
1 Launch & Recovery, if applicable

Please note that Liveaboard vessels are subject to a 10% surcharge (currently we are not accepting liveaboard applications)

Please note there is a 10% surcharge applicable for commercial use of Marina and Moorings.

*Winter Marina Monthly   6 Months (10% Discount paid in full in advance)
8m £470   £2538
10m £520   £2808
12m £570   £3078
14m £670   £3618
16m £710   £3834
18m £780 £4212

*Winter Season 1st October – 31st March

Visitors' Marina

Visitors’ Marina Fees Mono hull
1st January – 31st December £4.60

Price per metre per night
Pay for 6 nights and get 1 extra night free (excluding, July, August). This offer only applies when staying for one week or longer. The free night must be taken immediately after the paid nights and cannot be used during a separate visit in the future.

Multi-hull vessels will be subject to a 50% surcharge during peak season.

Marina Short Stay All boats (per metre)
1st January – 31st December £2

Maximum 4 Hours Short Stay

Water free of charge.
Electricity can be purchased via pre paid cards.
Use of shoreside & waste facilities

Seasonal Moorings

Serviced Moorings (facility length in m) *Summer Facility Price *Winter Facility Price
5m £470 £450
6.5m £610 £450
8m £800 £590
9.5m £1045 £800
11m £1210 £910
13m £1430 £1120
15m £1980 £1440
20m £2650 £1860

Premium Chain Strop – included in cost of mooring above

Premium chain strops will continue to be made in-house by Falmouth Harbour.

Please see the cost of rope strops, below:

Strop Options
3-strand – 16mm £105
3-strand – 20mm £125
3-strand – 24mm £148
Multi-plait  – 16mm £146
Multi-plait – 20mm £185
Multi-plait – 24mm £203
3-strand Bridle – 16mm £180
3-strand Bridle – 20mm £210
3-strand Bridle – 24mm £263
Multi-plait Bridle– 16mm £270
Multi-plait Bridle– 20mm £340
Multi-plait Bridle– 24mm £383

*Summer Season 1st April – 31st October
*Winter Season 1st November – 31st March (Condition: Summer mooring followed by Winter). If Winter only then Summer rate applies.

Please note there is a 10% surcharge applicable for commercial use of Marina and Moorings.

Support Buoy included
Use of pump out facility
25% discount on daily marina visitor berth
Short Stay on marina to replenish water
50% discount on annual Launch & Recover permit
Discounted fuel (max 1,000 litres)
1 x Launch & Recover (if applicable)
25% discount on summer Boat Park tender/dinghy spaces or marina tender berths

Tender Berth

Tender Berth Summer Facility Price Winter Facility Price
Tender Berth £580 £420
Only available with Seasonal Moorings

Maximum length 3m LOA
Discounted fuel (max 1,000 litres)
Use of shoreside facilities

Custom House Quay Pontoon Berth

Custom House Quay Annual Pontoon Berths 2.0m wide 2.5m wide
Annual berth £1640 £1840
Monthly £145 £160

Maximum length 6m LOA
Discounted fuel (max 1,000 litres)
1 x Launch & Recover (if applicable)


OUTHAUL 1st April – 31st October 1st November – 31st March
KCQ NQ £355 £260
CHQ £460 £310

Maximum length 5.5m LOA
Use of pontoon to load & unload

Visitors' Moorings

Visitors’ Standard Mooring Fees 1st January – 31st December
Price per metre per night £3.20

Pay for 5 nights and get 2 nights free (excluding July & August). This offer only applies when staying for one week or longer. Free nights must be taken immediately after paid nights and cannot be used during a separate visit in the future.

Use of shoreside & waste facilities


Slipway Fees Daily Fee Weekly Fee Annual Fee
Launch and recovery canoe/paddleboard only £2.50 £75
Launch and recovery of boat by hand £8 £200
Launch and recovery of boat using vehicle £14 £85 *£260
Launch and recovery of boat using vehicle & trailer parking (less than 6 hrs) **£30
Launch and recovery of boat using vehicle & trailer parking (over 6 hrs) **£40

* Annual L&R of boat using vehicle 50% discount on trailer storage –  subject to availability
** Inclusive Car Parking if available

Trailer Sailor fees (excl mooring) Daily Fee Weekly Fee
Launch and recovery of boat using vehicle trailer & reserved car parking £45 £250

Boat Park

Boat Park Berthing Summer Season* Boat Fee
1st May to 30th September LOA £125 per metre
Boat Park Berthing Winter Season* Boat Fee
1st October to 30th April LOA £100 per metre
Boat Park Dinghy Racking* Length of Vessel Fee
1st May to 30th September – Summer Vessels up to 3m £260
1st October to 30th April – Winter Vessels up to 3m £210

* Includes Launch & Recover

Boat Park Summer/Winter Visitor Storage (Boat & Trailer) Daily Fee Weekly Fee
Per 24hrs (Including Launch and Recovery) £40 £200
Trailer Storage Less than 6 hrs Over 6 hrs Weekly Fee
Parking a Trailer £10 £16 £95

Passenger Permits

Passenger Permits Plying for Hire Fee
up to 12 passengers £1950
12 -25 passengers £2730
25 – 50 passengers £4340
50 – 100 passengers £4990
Over 100 passengers £6750
Daily £156
Monthly £260

Additional Information

Allocation fee

Fee payable on first allocation of a serviced mooring (includes first fitting of strop & support buoy)  – £170

Transfer fee

Fee payable for transfer between Falmouth Haven serviced mooring sites (includes transfer of hirer’s equipment) – £90


All prices shown include VAT, where applicable, at the current rate.

Annual marina and pontoon berths, seasonal moorings and boat park vessels (where applicable) fees all include a Falmouth Harbour Due fee. Visiting yachts will be required to pay applicable Harbour dues dependent upon length of stay.

In accordance with the Harbours Act 1964 – Falmouth Haven collect Harbour Dues on behalf of Falmouth Harbour for seasonal leisure vessels. The rates of Harbour Dues will be published here: Harbour Conservancy Charges – Falmouth Harbour, Cornwall on or before the 1st April each year.


Falmouth Harbour does not routinely provide a towage service. Where towage is provided, charges will apply on a case by case basis